New Zealand Patents
Catch Bags - We hold NZ patent #333502 on the design of our NZ Divers 2002 Ltd. catch bags. This patent prevents anyone from importing, duplicating and or selling this design in New Zealand.
Safety Packs - We hold NZ patent #299402 on the design of our NZ Divers 2002 Ltd. safety pack. This patent prevents anyone from importing, duplicating and or selling this design in New Zealand.
"SEAKA" is a register Trade Mark - # 144960. Trade Mark Type - Trade Mark Non Convention WORD
Patents and Trade Mark can be researched at the following web site:
Note: Please be advised that we constantly research the New Zealand market for anyone reproducing and/or selling our patented products. These designs and patents are a direct result of hard yards and good old Kiwi ingenuity (Cheers Malcom!) . While it is somewhat flattering (and upsetting) that importers have copied our products and sold them abroad, I will persue with all my ability any sales of copied product hanging on any dive shop wall, sports retail centres or on - line purchasing venues in New Zealand.
Catch Bag Harmonized Tariff # 4202.92.45